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Easy, simple blogs for $5/mo, forever.

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Now launching themes with full HTML/CSS customization

We're proud to announce a brand new theming engine and 3 new built-in themes. 

Modern (shown above) is a simple new responsive theme with updated fonts and typography that will be the new default for new blogs you create on Posthaven. [Github]

Lanyon is a theme that we adapted for use on Posthaven from the open source Jekyll blog theme created by Mark Otto. [Github]

Ilun is a dark theme created by Posthaven cofounder Brett Gibson. [Github]

Of course the original classic Posthaven theme [Github] will remain for all blogs created thus far. We also created a minimal theme [Github] that is helpful for new theme creators who want something with as little CSS styling as possible. 

How to use Themes now

On your dashboard, just click the new Themes tab in Site Settings:

If you scroll down, you'll see Available themes. Just click "Preview" to see a preview of what your blog would look like with that theme, or "Use" to switch to it now.

How to customize or write your own themes

All of our themes come standard with support for SCSS using rake. You can also upload any image, fonts, or other assets using our command line tool. The theme engine is built using the very battle-tested Liquid gem created by Shopify. 

It's an advanced feature for folks who already know HTML and CSS and know their way around a text editor and command line. 

Here's a quick preview of how easy it is to get going from the command line:

Ready to go? Read the docs to get started

Thanks again for your ongoing support. 

Quick Note: Themes Are Close

We are getting quite close to releasing themes for Posthaven. We have all sites running on our new theming engine and now need to finish up the new themes we are working on to make theming useful for everyone.

If you are among our more technical users (i.e. you know your way around the command line and know HTML and CSS), and would like to try building your own Posthaven theme get in touch at and we will get you started.

New feature: Realtime search and browse-able Archive page

You've asked for it and it's here. Search on every Posthaven blog. Try it now from the homepage of any blog, in the sidebar:

You can also click Archive to get a browse-able archive of every post thus far. 

Search on the archive page is actually 100% realtime thanks to the amazing Algolia Search API, which is the underlying service we use to deliver such a lighting fast feature. 

More from us shortly, but enjoy and let us know if you run into any problems.

A few bug fixes for the New Year

Happy New Year, Posthavenites. Theme engine efforts continue, with an initial internal alpha already done. More on that is coming. In the meantime, we're doing some new years cleaning and fixed a bunch of bugs. 

Maintaining software is a lot like gardening — you've got to remember sweep and weed alongside your major landscaping projects too. 

  • Strikethrough — Now you can click the Strikethrough button in the post editor which can be handy for lists you might be keeping. 
  • Private post bugs — We saw some confusion around when a private post would get published. We've made that much more clear by making the primary action on private posts say "Save Private Post" so you'll always know exactly what you're doing.  
  • Facebook Share button — It's official! The Share button is better for blog posts in terms of social media optimization. Posts show up better in Facebook when it's a share, and people are more likely to add their own comments to their timeline. It's a better experience for mobile too. So we've ditched the Like button and switched to Share 100%. 
  • Horizontal scroll bugs on mobile — Commenting and browsing on mobile should work better now that we worked through some glitches that would cause a horizontal scroll on mobile views of blog posts.
There's definitely plenty more work to do — both gardening and renovations. We'll get back to that for now. 

    As always if you hit any bugs or have further requests, let us know at We really appreciate the support.  

    Photo via halfrain

    Onwards! Post editing options, export, and an update on our next theming and commenting updates

    Hello from the Posthaven team. Don't worry, we're still tending to the site. We've been adding little things that might be hard to notice so we thought we'd call out a bunch of them out. 

    Switch posts between blogs — You can now click Post Settings on a post you're editing and switch the blog. This was an oft-requested feature we just didn't get to early on, but is pretty obvious that you'd want it when you think about it. 

    Export — Your content is yours, so you can switch whenever you want. While logged in, just visit and you can easily export any of your Posthaven blogs to Wordpress format. 

    The stuff above is ready to rock, so try it out. We've also got a few things on deck that we'd like to share with you. Here's what's coming next...

    Theming — We're working with friends of ours at Viget Labs to bring a world-class theme engine based on Shopify's Liquid gem. That's in progress and we expect to be able to have an early version of it in early 2015, along with a few new looks. The best part of it is you'll be able to use full HTML, CSS, and even HAML/SASS. 

    Commenting improvements — We'll be doing more on commenting, letting you selectively close posts for comment, as well as letting your commenters login using Facebook/Twitter. 

    Thanks for your support and for sticking with Posthaven. We will do you proud. 

    New Advanced Feature: Add Custom CSS To Your Site

    We're still hard at work getting themes ready for Posthaven sites, but in the meantime we've added a way to change the look and feel of your site for advanced users. If you know CSS you can now add CSS code to all the pages on your site. Find it on the Advanced tab in your site's settings on the dashboard:

    Add Contributors To Your Posthaven Blogs!

    We're happy to announce Posthaven now supports multiple contributors per blog.

    On your Posthaven dashboard in the settings for your site you will now find a "Contributors" tab where you can add and manage contributors. The owner of each email you add will be able create new posts on your site via email right away. They will also have the option to create a free contributor-only Posthaven account so that they can post via the web and edit their posts on your site.

    Contributors who create an account and add a name to their profile will be listed on your blog and have their posts attributed to them. See this in action on our blog and on this post.

    Let us know what you think at

    Email Subscriptions for Your Posthaven Blog!

    We're happy to announce that we've launched a feature many of you have been asking for — Email subscriptions for new posts on your blogs.

    Now your blog readers can easily enter their email address to start receiving new posts in their inbox. See the link in the sidebar on your blog's homepage or below each post on that post's page:

    Even more, in each site's Settings section on dashboard you can manage subscribers and add email addresses of family and friends to make sure they stay up to date on your blog without having to check it manually:

    Finally, it's even easier as a Posthaven user because you can follow other Posthaven blogs and start getting updates with one click.

    While you're at it, don't forget to subscribe to this Posthaven too (just below, see "Like this post?") — it's the easiest way for you to get notified whenever we add new features, which we are working furiously to deliver to you asap.

    As always, keep in touch at

    New Features: LinkedIn Autopost, and Better Timezone Support

    Now you can autopost to LinkedIn profiles. Just go to your Settings > Autopost tab and click LinkedIn to hook up your account:

    We've also updated the post editor so that you can easily change the display date of a post using your local time zone, which is automatically detected from your computer. The date also appears on the post URL in the sidebar, automatically set to the correct time for your blog reader based on their current time zone as well. 

    New features are coming as soon as we can write them. Thanks for your continued support!